Explore Spiritual Topics

Spiritual Orders
Becoming a member of one or more of the robed orders allows you to embark on a deeper level of study.

The Masters
The Great Spiritual Masters are those who have already made the journey into spiritual Mastery and returned to serve humanity.

Sacred Ceremony

After you have joined The Way of Truth Mystery School, you will receive your First Initiation on the Inner Planes.

The Clergy

A full list of available books written by Sri Michael Owns and Shria Mata Devi.

Human Soul
Each Soul goes through countless cycles of experiences on multiple planets and planes of reality to reach this point.

Inner Planes
These dimensions are as real as our own, inhabited by people, cities, planets and spiritual beings.

Sacred Chants
Sacred Chants & Mantras that you can use for clearing your energy field and bringing in new energies.

Radio Broadcasts
Listen to previously recorded radio broadcasts about spiritual teachings.


8 Noble Truths