The Inner Planes
Subtle Dimensions
But above the physical worlds in frequency and vibration are the subtle dimensions of intelligence, light, sound and energy. These are not simply clouds or interstellar space. These dimensions are as real as our own, inhabited by people, cities, planets and spiritual beings who are also at various stages of their Soul journeys.
These planes or dimensions have been known for centuries by those who can access them: mystics, saints, philosophers, spiritual Adepts, and holy people. The reason they can access them is often because they have withdrawn their attention from the material world and seek deeper answers to life’s questions. And these holy people, some known and many unknown, have long told us of these “Other Worlds”.
Their existence has also been spoken of in the deepest esoteric literature of Hinduism, Buddhist, Taoism, Vedantaism, Christianity, Judaism, Sufism, and certainly by the foundational cultures of the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Persians, the Druids, the Mithrans, and the Native cultures around the world. Yet today, most people know little of them, for this esoteric knowledge has been lost or hidden in our mainstream religions. Yet at the hearts of each of these great paths lies these inner secrets, secrets taught by the Spiritual Masters who founded these religions.

Spiritual Adepts of many paths have sought to explore these worlds, and some have attempted to chart their structure, landscapes and territories. Others have met with the profound beings of light that inhabit and oversee these higher realms, and a few have even returned to share their discoveries with their fellowmen.