Recommended Reading Material

The Way of Truth Eternal
~ Book 1 ~
by Michal Edward Owens
A holy book of the highest order. It was transcribed by Sri Michael directly from the Temples of Golden Wisdom located on the Soul plane.

Ekere Tere: City Of Light
by Michal Edward Owens
This book reveals the teachings of many Masters on the Inner Planes who teach in a City called Ekere Tere, a city that was established by the Grand Council over the continent of Africa.

Guardians of The Gates
of Heaven
by Michal Edward Owens
This fun insightful book is a collection of transmissions from female Masters who have incarnated in their own eras throughout the centuries.

Sehaji Transcripts
by Michal Edward Owens
A beautiful collection of talks, prayers and spiritual exercises given by Sri Michael. All spiritual students and seekers will find this book illuminating.
Contains The Book of the Beginning.

Paramitas: The Gathering of Many Rivers
by Michal Edward Owens
As the gathering of many rivers of the world’s great spiritual traditions, this book brings the multitude of spiritual teachings to a place of union and deeper understanding.

Spiritual Temples Of God
by Michal Edward Owens
This book is in many ways the distilled essence of many of Sri Michael’s teachings. At the deepest level it addresses the question of How We Can Serve God First?

Babaji : The Beginning Has No End
by Michal Edward Owens
Babaji, revered guru of the famous Paramahansa Yogananda, comes now to teach the world the secrets of entering the kingdom of heaven while still in a human body.

Discovery Of Self
by Michal Edward Owens
This book is a great place to start one’s journey. Some of the topics include explanations of the spiritual laws of God, power of silence, karma, streams of reality, temples of Golden Wisdom, and the path to God Realization.

Messengers of God
by Michal Edward Owens
A collection of presentations by spiritual and religious leaders of great wisdom who have impacted the world throughout the centuries.

Spiritual Comfort
by Michal Edward Owens
A collection of exercises, poems, and prayers compiled from Sri Michael’s writings and talks between 2005 and 2008, and serves as a bright beacon on the path and a source of immeasurable insight and inspiration.

Psalms of The Prophets
by Michal Edward Owens
This book was strongly influenced by Sri Michael’s conversations with many prophets from the Old Testament who are still active on the Inner Planes.

Crown of Thorns
by Michal Edward Owens
The very foundation of the church is validated by the Saints experiences with God, the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus. This book is an interesting take on these Saints experiences.

Dialogues With The Angels
by Tricia McCannon (Shri Mata Devi)
Dialogues With the Angels is one of those rare, thoroughly enchanting “bridge books” that tells a story of a young woman’s search for truth and her awakening gifts of the Spirit. It has been called a “Masterpiece of the Soul.”

Return of The Divine Sofia
by Tricia McCannon (Shri Mata Devi)
The Return of the Divine Sophia is an exhilarating shamanic journey into the discovery of the lost wisdom teachings of the Ancients and the reclaiming of the knowledge of the Divine Mother God.

The Angelic Origins 0f
The Soul
by Tricia McCannon (Shri Mata Devi)
In this incredible book, Mata Devi, internationally renowned clairvoyant, historian, teacher and cosmologist, takes us on a fantastic journey in the illuminated lands of the Far Country.

Jesus: The Explosive Story of The 30 Lost Years & Ancient Mystery Religions
by Tricia McCannon (Shri Mata Devi)
Where was Jesus for the first thirty years of his life? Where was he taught? Who were his teachers and what was his preparation for his great spiritual ministry?
Three of Sri Michael’s books are accessible for “Online reading” in both English and French without any cost. These Books are:
1. The Way of Truth Eternal, Book I – Ancient Teachings of The Light and Sound of God
2. Discovery of Self – Answers to Inquiries of the God Seeker
3. The Book of the Beginning
Thirteen of Sri Michael’s books are available for purchase in a PDF format and twenty-five of his recorded talks in MP3 format are offered at