A Path Of Love, Light & Sound
First, Welcome. If you have somehow been directed or discovered this website, it may be that Spirit has brought you to the next step on your path to spiritual enlightenment. Our numbers come from every philosophy, scientific discipline or religion in the world: Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu, pagan, Muslim, Goddess, New Age and even atheist.
What unites them however is a deep and profound search for Truth, a knowing that there is a profound Intelligence and beauty behind the surface world that we view with our outer eyes every day. This deep desire to understand ourselves, our world and the Universe becomes a longing deep inside the Soul – a hunger that only direct experiential knowledge of Source and ultimately Self can fill.
The Middle Path
These Mysteries are not occult or hidden, they are just not known by the average individual and many spiritually advanced individuals. All that we do at The Way of Truth is for the sake of God, for the Universe and for mankind.

Activating Heart Consciousness
An Activated Heart Consciousness allows you to access a great source of divine wisdom and love as well as spiritual strength. It is another important aspect of The Way of Truth’s teachings.

Universal Soul Movement
Universal Soul Movement is an integral part of our Mystery School, providing. It is the ability to move one’s consciousness from one location to another and is different from Astral Travel which is limited.

Your Current
Spiritual Path
You do not need to leave your current Spiritual Path to join The Way of Truth. It doesn’t matter what path you have come down, but where you are going in your search for deeper understanding.

The Spiritual Teachings
All of our sets of discourses are designed to re-calibrate your spiritual vibration and to ground you in a fundamental knowledge of our Mystery School. As time goes on, you will grow in understanding and any gray clouds in your consciousness will be dissipated by the Divine, like the rays of the glorious Sun after a storm.
Starting Out
Your first step as a student in our Mystery School is the study of the monthly discourses in our Beginner’s Manual.
Next Step
After that, you will want to start on the Cornerstone Discourses, This will allow you to pace yourself to develop your spiritual gifts at a balanced rate.
Group Meditation
There is also group HU chant and meditation which is designed to accelerate your own spiritual progress through the power of group energy.
The Way Of The Magi
After the first year of study has laid the foundation for your spiritual edifice, the second year of monthly discourses will begin your study of the Way of the Magi. The Magi are known from the New Testament story of Jesus. They are the three Wise Men astrologers, magicians and kings who knew of Christ’s birth and understood its significance. They were, in truth, Master Initiates as well.
In the second year you will learn many practical aspects of The Way of Truth which will teach you how to become a “Heart Warrior,” just as the Magi of old were. In order to teach you to expand your Heart Consciousness, these discourses will contain more spiritual exercises and techniques than the first year of study.

Service To God
When one decides to become a student of The Way of Truth you will find that it is a commitment to serve God at a very high level. Many mental and emotional chains and beliefs will fall to the wayside.

Master Teachers
This is an opportunity to connect with master teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes, and to ground that learning in the physical plane.

The Sages
It is an opportunity to have direct experiences with Sages on the Inner levels who are operating on these higher planes, and to become a Self Realized being on the path to Mastery.
All Paths Merge Into The Ocean of Love & Mercy
From the higher perspective, all of these great rivers merge in the purity of the Ocean of Love and Mercy from which we all arise, and the Way of Truth is aligned with the Source of All Things. All those who seek to know the heart of God without dogma or prejudice are welcome.
You Are Invited
You are invited on a journey to the Source of all Sources, a journey where the Mysteries become knowledge. We are all children of God seeking the truth, and ultimately, we are on our way home. There are many ways to get home, but there is a short cut and that short cut is called “The Way of Truth.”
The Way of Truth is a collection of Souls on the Outer and on the Inner Spiritual Planes working together to expand the Heart Consciousness of all Souls in the Universe. Many Souls are functioning on the Inner Planes of Soul as “members” of our spiritual community, yet in their daily lives here on the physical plane, they have no knowledge of that. Thus, the true “membership” of The Way of Truth is much larger than is visible in the outer organization. And the purpose of the outer organization is to awaken those Souls to their true potential and to ground the Christ Consciousness of the Heart on Earth for the good of all.