About Us
In this century THE WAY OF TRUTH was founded in 2004 by Sri Michael Edward Owens, the 974th Living Sehaji Master, and is a non-profit organization.
Yet the existence of the Way of Truth goes back further than mankind’s appearance on this planet. It is a perennial Order of Inner and Outer Plane Adepts, Masters and Teachers whose core mission is the awakening and evolution of the human race – whether here or on another planet.
Teachings Of The Masters
At various times this vast knowledge has become public, but in many centuries it has been driven underground by the people in power, passed on to only a handful of initiates who had the spiritual bandwidth to comprehend these teachings.

The Path Of The Masters
This is the path that the Masters have traveled. These great Souls let go of their emotional and mental impediments, and began to travel deeper, further and higher into these Realms of Light, to the point that they became pure Light and Love. Along the way they realized that they were free – free to explore Truth at the highest level; free to travel without limitations into the vast reaches; free to learn in the Temples of Golden Wisdom located on every level of the Inner Realms; free to discover the history of humanity, the laws of the Universe, and to sit at the feet of even greater beings of Light who had achieved this feat in past cycles of time.
In the process these great Seekers became Spiritual Masters. Some chose to give up their physical bodies and move on to positions of service in the Inner Realms, overseeing great libraries of wisdom, halls of invention, universities of teaching, or serving in positions as Lords of Karma, Keepers of the Books of Life, Spiritual Guides, Teachers or Members of the Galactic Councils. As in our world, each Soul is drawn to serve in different ways, and all choices are important, worthy and noble.
Others Masters have chosen to keep their physical bodies intact and to stay in human form so that they could serve mankind from this level. They have chosen to inspire others or ground an Order of Initiates or students in the physical world.

Taking The First Step
If we can push our fears aside and take the first step on the journey, we will follow in the Path of the Masters. We will learn to access the Heart Consciousness, conquer the shadows of the dualistic mind, and step into a direct experience of God and of these subtle realms of light.

Sri Michael Edward Owens
We have been blessed in the past few decades to have three Living Masters grace our ranks. Sri Michael Edward Owens, also known by his spiritual name, Dan Rin, was the 974th Living Sehaji Master in an unbroken line of living spiritual masters. This lineage of Master Teachers on the path of the Light and Sound, dates back to the dawn of humankind. Sri Michael served as the Living Master from 2003 until his death in 2018 when he translated from this Earth.
Dan Rin wrote fourteen books, most of which you can find on Amazon today. Simply enter his name, Michael Edward Owens, in the Amazon Books section, as well as the name of the book title you are looking for, and it should come up.
Alternatively, you can click on the button below to see a comprehensive list of his books as well as those written by our current Living Sehaji Master.
Sri Maximilian Longange Louya
In the fall of 2018 Sri Maximilian Longange Louya, also known as Daru Drin, meaning “The Father of Dragons,” became the 975th Living Sehaji Master of the Way of Truth.
Just as Sri Michael had laid the foundations for these teachings in modern times with the transcriptions of his books, so has Sri Maximilian created easily accessible discourses and teachings for both beginning and advanced students, as well as Healing Discourses for the Clergy.
At the direction of the Grand Council of Masters, headed by Master Milarepa, Sri Maximilien has chosen to retain his physical body after transferring the Rod of Power to his successor.
This happened on October 22nd of 2020, our official New Year, in the Valley of Timir in the Himalayas. Daru Drin continues to write, teach and spiritually work with students around the world.

Shri Mata Devi
Shri Tricia McCannon, also known as Mata Devi, meaning “The Divine Mother of All,” is now the 976th Living Sehaji Master. She ushers in a new cycle for The Way of Truth Mystery School, not only through her extensive knowledge of the spiritual lineages of many great traditions, but through her teaching wisdom.
This can be found in her four published books, her written discourses and online classes, and her webinars and trainings. She is dedicated to bringing forth the teachings of the Great Spiritual Mysteries wisdom for all seekers of the Light and Sound.