The Male Masters
There have been many wonderful men and women who have achieved the consciousness of what we would call a “Spiritual Master.” However each individual who achieves such a state is unique unto themselves. Each is a unique constellation of their own experiences and histories, shaped by their own triumphs and tragedies, and the trajectory of their vast experiences with the Divine.
If and when they choose to return to Earth, they do so freely, not because they are still bound to the Wheel of Karma.
Each of them in their own way came to acquire Self Realization and then God Realization, truly knowing that they are far more than their human personality self. They are also a fragment of God, and their true Soul Self resides in the highest heavens.
They have achieved the state of Jivan Murkti, or Spiritual Liberation within this lifetime. This means they are no longer bound to the Wheel of Karma. This means that if any of these great Souls chooses to return to Earth, they do so freely, in service to their fellow man. So let us welcome and honor these great pioneers in consciousness.

He is called the Master Initiate or the “Master of Masters.” and along with his daughter Isis and his grandson, Horus, Thoth was responsible for setting up the Great Mystery Schools in many countries around the world.
His teachings about the nature of the Universe are the basis of several great paths of wisdom including the Orphic Mysteries of Greece, the Pythagoreans, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Druids, the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, and the Platonic and Neo-Platonic Wisdom Schools.
Thoth was said to have written 42 books that contained all the wisdom of the world in subjects as diverse as mathematics, sacred geometry, medicine, law, astronomy, astrology, architecture, music, and spiritual wisdom.
We know these books still existed in the Library of Alexandria in 100 A.D. because of the writings of Clement of Alexandria, one of the early Church Fathers.
Today only four books remain to us, including The Emerald Tablets, The Kybalion and The Book of Coming Forth into the Light, better known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Thoth, like all great spiritual Masters, taught the wisdom of the Light and Sound. He taught that all things are created through the Word, or Logos that issued forth from the Divine Mind of Sugmad. This is the Sound Current or Audible Life Stream that is the vibrational current behind all creation. He taught that all things exist because of this Light and Sound, and that the Soul’s true home was in this greater Light.
“Oh People of the Earth, men born and made of the elements, but with the spirit of Divine Man within you, rise up from your sleep of ignorance! Be sober and thoughtful. Realize your home is not in the Earth, but in the Light.” He called his path the Way of Life, the Way of Good and the Way of the Light and Sound. This was known as the Ancient Way to God and Self Realization.
Serapis Bey
He taught Initiates about Nun, the Great Ocean of Love and Mercy from which we all descend. He taught the concept of One God behind all the things seen and unseen, and behind the many gods and goddesses of Egypt.
He taught about Tum or Atum, the primordial drop of movement that began all creation, and this Divine Intelligence (Atum) is present both inside of the worlds of matter, and also outside of it; that all that we see and all that we don’t see is composed of this Being, and thus each one of us have the spark of God within us.

His mother was Calliope, the chief of the Seven Muses, and Orpheus was deeply revered by all the Greeks as the greatest of poets and musicians. Pindar called him the “father of songs,” and it was said that his music could charm the wild beasts, coax the trees to dance, and divert the course of rivers with his melodies.
As a young man Orpheus traveled widely and studied for many years in Egypt. He spent 20 years with the Egyptian priests in Memphis where he was initiated and received the name Arpha or Orpheus. He returned to Greece as a philosopher, seer and magician, bringing back knowledge of medicine, writing, agriculture and astrology, which he then imparted to the Greeks.
When we die, our contract with this world ends, freeing us to ascend once more into the Celestial Realms. However, in each new life we enter into a new contract, and thus are imprisoned on the Cosmic Wheel until we spiritually awaken. Reincarnation is the process through which the Soul slowly evolves and awakens over time.
As a young man Pythagoras traveled widely in search of knowledge, and was initiated into the Mystery Schools of ancient Persia, Babylon, Chaldea, and India. He studied with the Hebrew rabbis, the Hindu priests, and the Druid masters in Britain. His teacher in Britain, named Abaris, was said to have been able to fly. He ended his training in Egypt, studying for over 22 years at the Temples of Isis where he was initiated as a priest.

When he was 52 years old Pythagoras returned to the city of Croton, Italy and set up his own Mystery School on the coast, gathering to him a group of students with whom he shared his wisdom. Silence was a mandatory part of the training, and beginning students were not allowed to speak for the first two years. All others had to observe an hour of silence twice a day, for he believed that only in the Silence of God can we come to know the Creator.
Pythagoras saw the world as an expression of number, sound, music and vibration, and was a master at revealing how all things in the Universe are created from the power of Sound or the Harmony of the Spheres. He taught his students how the world around us is based on harmonics and vibration. This means that they learned the study of mathematics, music, sacred geometry, and astronomy, as well as the golden mean spiral upon which the entire organic world is built. The Master knew that everything is produced by the power of vibration or the Audible Life Stream, and that this holds the keys for understanding the unfolding expressions of God all around us.
It is because of Pythagoras that today we have the word philosopher. A philosopher is a “philo-sophia” or a “lover of Sophia, the goddess of Wisdom.” His students called him “the Master” and he trained them not only in the mathematics of the Universe, but also in herbal healing, color healing, sound healing, and developing the gifts of Second Sight and prophecy. His was a path of the Light and Sound, and he taught moderation and balance in all things.

Ontology asks questions about the nature of existence, beingness and reality. It is a branch of metaphysics that concerns itself with the hidden world of entities that most people cannot see – in other words, the structure and hierarchy of the Inner Worlds.
In his one remaining written work, a poem called On Nature, Parmenides calls his path of awareness “The Way of Truth.” The poem is a narrative sequence in which Parmenides travels “beyond the beaten path of mortal men,” to receive a revelation from a goddess on the nature of reality.
The goddess reveals how all of reality is one, change is impossible and existence is timeless, uniform and necessary. In the world of appearances, she explains, our outer senses can mislead us into making false assumptions about the world. With our senses alone we are stuck in the world of illusion and change, rather than discovering the true nature of reality hidden behind the natural world, which is eternal.
It is the very foundation of philosophy that seeks to provide a deeper understanding of how everything in existence is related to one another, and how this relates to the Creator and to every one of us.
Though the Eleatic school ended around 450 B.C.E., Parmenides’ influence was long lasting. As we can see, his views remain as timeless and relevant today as they were 2600 years ago.
The main doctrine of the Eleatic school stood in opposition to the theories of the physical philosophers of that day. They believed that all of existence can be explained in terms of matter and the cycles of change.
Eleatics however maintained that the true explanation of things lies in a Universal Unity of Being who is essentially beyond change. The physical senses alone are not equipped to recognize this deeper Unity, so it is by thought or understanding or direct experiences that we can pass beyond the false appearances of the outer senses and arrive at the fundamental truth that everything in the Universe is One.
At its core, Parmenides taught the principles of metaphysics. Metaphysics is defined as the study of existence itself. It encompasses ideas about the nature of the Soul, of life, of cause and effect, of self-identity versus God’s identity, and how the physical world is connected to the unseen realms or Inner Worlds.
So great was his wisdom that early Platonist believed that the philosopher was no mortal man, but an incarnation of the god Apollo. He was described as large and majestic in eloquence, intellect and body. He was a lover of fine arts, addicted to poetry, and even learned to paint. He was proficient at wrestling, brilliant in debate and astute in thought.
At the age of 20 Plato became a student of Socrates, whom he studied with for eight years, even defending Socrates at his trial before the elders of Athens. Afterwards Plato dedicated his life to traveling to any country where wisdom might be found, going on to study with Heraclitus and the disciples of Pythagoras.

In time he returned to Athens and set up his Academy in a wooden grove outside the city. His school was grounded in the Orphic, Pythagorean and Egyptian wisdom, but he also taught logic and ethics, arts and sciences, along with philosophy and religion, uniting them together to create an enlightened life. Plato’s philosophy surrounds the principle of Unity.
He taught that Unity is the reality and that wisdom sees only the many parts of one thing. That means that God, humanity and the Universe are all related fragments of a common Unity. In other words, all things come from the Source, Sugmad, and they return to that Source. What we see as fragmentation is just an illusion.
We are all part of the One Being. To Plato, God is truth, and this reality sustains the Universe. Oneness and the Universe is the evidence of Truth, unfolding from its own being. And this being, like ourselves, is constantly evolving. Growth and becoming is the unfoldment of this inner truth, a process as eternal as truth itself.
For the first 12 centuries of the Christian era, Plato’s profound and integrated wisdom inspired philosophers, seekers and thinkers around the world, until the mechanistic age caused us to divorce Spirit from the outer world of form.

Jeshua or Issa
And now that some of the many hidden and lost records of the Essenes have been found with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Texts, we have even more evidence of the depth of his teachings.
At the heart of who Jesus was, and what Jesus taught, is the power of Love. He reminds us that what we do to others, we also do to ourselves, because all things in the Universe are connected.
We are all a part of One Great Being, and that being is God or
Sugmad. So when we hurt another person or animal or creature, we are actually hurting ourselves. We are retarding our own progress. We are creating karma that keeps us bound to the Wheel of Suffering. This is at the heart of his message.
He also tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven lies within ourselves, pointing directly to our ability as Souls to shift our consciousness and begin to perceive, and then move into the Higher Worlds. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus even gives the process through which we may do this. It is in actuality, the Way of Truth or the Way of the Middle Path.
Jesus says, “When you make the two eyes into one (meaning the Third Eye or Inner Sight), the male into the female (meaning awakening and balancing both sides of your brain or inner natures), the inner into the outer (meaning creating a life of joy and spiritual purity in your outer life, as well as your inner one), then ye shall see the Kingdom of Heaven.”
So the path to spiritual realization that Issa taught is about living in a state of true balance, awakening to the Inner Worlds, and living purely from the heart. And this is the perennial message of all of the great Masters who continue to strive for the enlightenment of humanity, and teach the Middle Path of the Way of Truth.
These “inspired ones” were called Awenyddion, and were known as singers, healers, seers and prophets for their incredible ability to travel in the Inner Realms and to foresee events to come.
Myrddin’s story is well known now, how, as a child, he was brought as a sacrifice to the site where a cruel despotic leader, Lord Vortigern, was building a tower. Merlin not only confounded the king’s Druids but gave out a lengthy series of prophecies which extended from Vortigern’s imminent death to the end of time.

These prophecies, like much of Celtic history, were passed orally through the British bards, but many were recorded in a book called the History of the Kings of Britain.
So great was Merlin’s impact on the times that he lived in, that it changed the course of history. As a major teacher in the sixty some-odd schools actively taught by the Druids at that time, Merlin’s effect on his most famous pupil, King Arthur, revolutionized the country. Merlin taught the principles that “right makes might,” instead of “might makes right,” encouraging the young king to establish a Order of Knights based on chivalry, justice, brotherhood, and the protection of innocents in a time of violence, killing and warfare. Today, the concept of the Round Table may not seem so unusual to us, but in an age when kings were often dictators, and violence ruled the day, giving others a voice in leadership was a revolutionary new idea.
Through his influence, Arthur established the Order of the Grail Knights. These Knights were sworn to protect the teachings and hidden bloodline of Mary Magdalene and the Master Jesus, lost through the ages in the betrayal of the Catholic Church who once knew this royal legacy, but chose to cover it up. This knowledge then became the foundations for the establishment of the later Templar Knights formed in 1188 A.D.. The Grail Knights, like their later Templar descendants, were all brave warrior priests dedicated to the teachings of fairness, spirituality and living a heart centered life.

In time, Kusulu came to embrace this path of truce, peace, and mutual prosperity more than the paradigm of war. Eventually he accepted the opportunity to become the Living Teacher of his world. He learned how to pass this wisdom and these skills on to others. And since he had mastered the abilities to become invisible and invincible, he lived a long and fruitful life building outposts around his planet, and training others in the path of harmony, peace, and the wisdom of the Light and Sound.
Under his reign as the Living Master, his planet experienced a revival of tolerance, respect, and technological growth, even developing something akin to our internet system. War ceased, and peace reigned, and because people’s energies were not being used for conflict, the entire planet experienced a great creative flourishing. They evolved into a more civilized, restrained, and productive society, and under his leadership he turned the tide of consciousness for his culture, and ultimately his entire world.
As a warrior Kusulu developed powerful connections between his body, mind and spirit, using discipline to hone his abilities. In training disciplines similar to our martial arts, as well as developing the ability to travel far beyond his body and explore other realms with his consciousness, he mastered invisibility, conquered his inner fears, and learned to face the darkness both within himself and also without.
Kusulu came to realize the importance of developing a strong ego self while living in the Lower Worlds, but also how the ego must come into alignment with the Soul, or else we live a life of destruction and conflict. He understood that the ego itself cannot attain the Soul Plane, so it will attempt to sabotage our Soul’s forward growth because it feels threatened.
Thus, as Souls, we must befriend our frightened ego, and give it tasks to do that are on the path of Right Action. This way we can allow the ego or little self to become our ally as we align it with the higher mission of the Soul. Today Kusulu teaches in the City of Ekere Tere over Africa in the higher regions of the Third Dimension.
Afterwards, he felt sorrow about his deeds, and became a student of one of the three great Tibetan Buddhism teachers of that time, Marpa the Translator.

However before Marpa would accept Milarepa as a student, he had him undergo a series of trials. He had him build and then demolish three towers in turn. Milarepa was asked to build one final multi-story tower by Marpa at Lhodrag, which still stands today. Eventually, Marpa accepted him as a student, explaining that the trials were a means to purify Milarepa’s negative karma, mental thoughts, emotions and attitudes.
Marpa transmitted many Tantric initiations to Milarepa, including the ability to create yogic heat and mahamudra, which is “the spontaneous realization of the most profound nature of mind.” Marpa instructed Milarepa to practice solitary meditation in mountain retreats, which, after many years of practice, resulted in “a deep experiential realization about the true nature of reality.” Thereafter Milarepa lived as a fully realized yogi, and eventually even forgave his aunt, who had been the cause of his family’s misfortune.
In his own teachings, Milarepa refers to the Buddhist teachings of impermanence that exists in all the Lower Worlds. He speaks of the great sufferings that our negative emotional and mental patterns can bring down upon us. This is called samsara in the Buddhist tradition. He also taught about the certainty of mortal death in a transient world, the unpredictability of its arrival, and the frightful prospects of rebirth that can await a person as a direct result of our negative misguided deeds.
But, Milarepa’s own life is a powerful example of how any one of us can turn our lives around. In his life story, we see that even a murderer can transform into a Buddha with enough dedication and heart.

Towart Managi
His mission today is to assist Africa in putting the past behind her, and moving into a new era or renaissance in world history. He reminds us that the healing of Africa is vital to the healing of our Mother Earth, and thus he continues to work with many tribal people and world leaders in their dreams, bringing forth messages of fairness, peace and love.