The Female Masters

Mary The Mother
Mary was an Essene of the highest Order, born from a Celtic princess named Anna, and a revered Jewish man. She is described as petite and graceful with a quiet authority to her. She oversaw a secret sect within the Essene Order called the Magdalene Order.
This sect originally came out of Egypt at the time that King Solomon married an Egyptian princess, and established the first temple to Asherah, the wife of Jehovah.
The Magdalene Order had originally formed in Egypt to protect Horus, the son of Isis, who, along with his mother was the World Savior that pulled Egypt back from the clutches of the Kal or negative forces.
These great Solar Lords sometimes include the four great Kumaras, divine emanations of the Father/Mother God, that are spoken of in the Vedas. They are called the four “deathless ones” because they come again and again to help enlighten the world.
Two of these Kumaras had incarnated in earlier cycles of Earth’s history as the Lord Osiris, and then as his son Horus. The next incarnation of one of the Kumaras was being awaited by the Magdalene priestesses. This World Savior was prophesied as the next incoming messiah – a prophecy that Jesus fully embodied.
Why? Some of the answers lie in her many titles, for she and her husband Osiris appeared to humanity after the devastation of the Great Flood, helping to feed the starving survivors and reestablish civilization.
These are only a few of her many titles: “Maker of the First Loom”, “Mistress of Healing”, “Instituter of Law”, “Ender of Cannibalism”, “Instituter of Marriage”, “Protector of Sailors”, “Creator of the First Temples”, “Inventor of the Sail”, “Mistress of Magic”, “Bringer of Law”, “Teacher of Writing”, “Protector of Women”, “Savior of Egypt”, and “Mother of Humanity.”

Isis, whose Egyptian name was Auset, reestablished civilization in Egypt after the destruction of the Great Flood. Along with her father Thoth or Hermes, and later her son Horus, she created the Great Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt to teach humanity about the immortal nature of the Soul and the multidimensional levels of reality.
She also found the seeds of wheat growing by the banks of the Nile after the Flood, and it is because of this that we have bread today. Because of this she became known as the Mother of the Grains and the Harvest, and took the name Demeter in Greece and Ceres in Rome. She was thought of as the I AM principle (Isis) of the Divine Feminine, and beloved and honored in temples around the globe.

Quan Yin
She is said to have lived for nine years off the coast of the sacred mountain island Chusan Archipelago, healing and saving sailors from shipwrecks, and by the 9th century devotion to her had spread throughout all of northern China. In Buddhist doctrine, a Bodhisattva can embody any form – male or female or even animal, in order to save sentient beings.
Quan Yin is depicted in many forms, each one demonstrating an aspect of her compassion and mercy. She is frequently portrayed as a slender woman in flowing white robes seated in the middle of a lotus, or carrying a white lotus in her left hand, a symbol of purity and womanhood.
Her ornaments reveal her stature as a Bodhisattva, or sometimes she is shown without them as a sign of her great humility. She is honored as a “protector of children” and is often shown holding a child or with children at her knees. In this role, she is also referred to as the “white-robed honored one.”
She was said to have been born from the tears of her spiritual father Avalokitesvara, an Avatar from the higher worlds. Like Avalokitesvara, Quan Yin is often shown with a thousand arms and multiple eyes, and sometimes with an eye in the palm of each hand. In this aspect she is the omnipresent Divine Mother, looking in every direction at once, sensing the problems of humanity. She is reaching out to console all beings with boundless infinite expressions of her compassion and mercy.
Items usually presented with Quan Yin include a willow branch, with which she sprinkles the divine nectar of life; a precious vase symbolizing the nectar of compassion and wisdom; a dove, representing fecundity; a scroll of prayers which she holds in her hand; and a rosary adorning her neck with which she calls upon the many Buddhas for succor. Buddhist cannon holds that the rosary beads signify all living beings and their turning represents Avalokitesvara guiding Souls out of their suffering and their incessant cycles of rebirth into the Worlds of Light.
Quan Yin is the patron of women, merchants, sailors, craftsmen, those under criminal prosecution, and is invoked by those desiring children. Beloved as a mother figure, Quan Yin’s role as the Buddhist Madonna is similar to that of Mother Mary in the West. Many believe that even the simple recitation of her name will bring her instantly to one’s side. The ancient Lotus Sutra’s twenty-fifth chapter is dedicated to her and describes thirteen cases of impending disaster — from shipwreck to fire, imprisonment, robbers, demons, fatal poisons and karmic woes–in which the devotee is rescued if their thoughts turn to her.
Mary Magdalene
In the New Testament MM is called “the Apostle of Apostles,” and “the One Who Knew the All.” We first meet her as Mary of Bethany, the younger sister of Martha and Lazarus, Jesus’ lifelong friends. As a young girl she would crawl upon the flat rooftops at night to listen to Jeshua and her brother speak of spiritual matters under the stars.
Today Mary Magdalene’s true identity as an expression of the female Christ spirit is finally starting to reemerge in the world, but for centuries she was denigrated as a prostitute by the Catholic Church who tried in vain to conceal her importance to the early Christian movement. Yet as a Rabbi in the Jewish world Jesus had to be married, for marriage and fatherhood were primary edicts of that faith.

In recent decades as the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi texts have surfaced, gospels like the Gospel of Thomas relate that Jesus loved MM so much that he used to kiss her on the mouth. The male Apostles complained, to which Jesus replied that they “understand not the mysteries of marriage.”
In the years that followed the crucifixion, Mary Magdalene was a central character in the continued teachings of Jeshua. She called this path “the Way of the Chalice,” just as Jeshua had called it “The Way.” The symbol of the Chalice became crystallized in the relic of the Holy Grail. This Grail represents the balanced union of the male and female polarities that must unite within every human being to bring us into alignment with the Soul and the Heart. When this Sacred Marriage is accomplished, and then grounded in matter, it allows us to then open ourselves to the flowing nectar of Divine Spirit.

Her father was a blacksmith, so Brigit was always connected with teaching the arts of civilization, and especially with maintaining the Sacred Fire.
Brigit honored the Mother Earth and followed the wisdom teachings of the Goddess, opening her Inner Sight to the Other Worlds.
She came to understand that the great stone monoliths scattered around the world contained critical information from the Atlantean ancestors about people who came from the stars, and about the sciences of astronomy, mathematics and how to harness the Earth’s ley lines. All of this was encoded in the stones, if only she could recall the original intent.
The people she grew up with were gentle and good, but when her village was ravaged by enemies, she fought not to harden her heart. Taken under the wing by the spirit of Kata Daki, who appeared to her Inner Sight, Brigit learned swordsmanship, healing and Inner Travel. Over the years she went on to study with many other Inner Plane Masters, and passed on her knowledge to humanity. Over the centuries she became known as a Triple Goddess who brought the arts of music, dance, and writing to the people, as well as the healing skills of herbology, and practical smith making.
Along with the sacred fire, her symbols were the holy spring and the pure white swan. At her ancient temple in Kildare, Ireland, the Sacred Flame of Illumination was kept burning for centuries, until it was put out by Saint Patrick, who saw her as a threat to the patriarchy of the Church. Yet the love that the Celts had for this wise female Master was so great, that the people would not give her up. Thus the Church turned her into a pious nun and began to call her Saint Bridget, merging her true origins into the hooded, sanitized form that some people think of today.
As a Neo-Platonist, who sought to unite the teachings of Plato and Socrates with the message of love and wisdom of Jesus, Hypatia excelled in teaching the underlying principles of the Universe that explained the existence of miracles.
She was said to have “removed the veil of mystery” from myths and stories, demonstrating the natural laws behind these phenomena.

White Buffalo Calf Woman
The legend is that two braves went out hunting and saw this beautiful woman emerge from the forest. One brave, saw her as a very holy spirit. The other brave had lust in his heart and thought that since she was alone, he could have his way with her. This second brave stood up and approached her. It is said that she opened her cloak and embraced him, and in only moments his bones clattered to the ground because he did not honor the sacred feminine.
The first brave stood up and approached her with great respect, kneeling in the meadow before her. He said, “Lady, I see that you are very Wakan (or holy). Will you come and teach our people?”
She replied, “Gladly will I come. Tell your people to put the teepees in a circle with a single teepee for teaching at the center. There you shall hang a buffalo robe.”
The brave went back to his community with great excitement. Everyone could see that something powerful had happened. The Elders did as she had requested and White Buffalo Calf Woman came to live among them. For several days she taught what is now called “The Seven Sacred Rites of the People”. Among these are the Sweat Lodge, the Sun Dance, the Making of Relatives (blood brothers), the Vision Quest, and the Sacred Pipe Ceremony.
This Ceremony was the last thing she taught them. She told them that the stem represents the masculine principle, the bowl of the pipe represents the feminine principle, the feathers on the pipe represent the winged ones and the four-legged, and the wood of the stem represents the trees or the standing people. When all of these are joined together in balance, and the prayers are sent to heaven, then Great Spirit will hear their cries and answer them.
She also foretold that she would return at the end of the Age and to look for her return. Then she left the people, but some of the young men followed her, hiding in the bushes. They saw her lay down and when she got up she was a White Buffalo. Then she did this again, and this time it was a Black Buffalo. Twice more she did this, each time getting up next as a Red Buffalo, and finally as a Yellow Buffalo, thus representing all the four colors or tribes of mankind.
Some people also believe that White Buffalo Calf Woman was a blue eyed blonde woman who came down from the Pleiades. Others believe that she is Native American. However the prophecies tell us that she will return at the end of this Age, and help the people survive the coming Earth changes.
Arutu was taught to give everything to God, including the negative emotions that cloud our judgment and emotions, and thus her society was one of more honesty and respect between the people than ours is today.

Her mentors taught her not to run from life, but to be present in all of her bodies to learn and change and be pliable. She learned how to go within to distant cities on the Inner Worlds, and to take classes with Masters who were no longer in the human body. She learned not to judge a lesson or a master by their appearance, but to be open with humility, gratitude and unceasing connection to the heart of the Earth and to the Divine Mother/Father of All.
As a woman of wisdom, Arutu is a champion of women coming forward in the world today. She encourages them not to consign their lives to the servitude of men, or simply “to breed and heed” the demands of their male companions. She reminds women that they are the nurturing, loving counterbalance to the savage masculine side, and this makes them the healers and cornerstones of the world. She encourages them to pave a new path through the jungles of life and to support their sisters to stand tall, to be authentic, and to raise young boys and men who respect women instead of dominating them. She reminds us to free ourselves and our sisters from the chains of oppression – mental, emotional, cultural, and relationship.
She urges us to lay aside our lower attachments to anger, greed, vengeance, vanity or power, and to allow the Sugmad’s heart to shine purely through our own; to learn the art of conscious, assertive, benevolent communication, so that we do not have to retreat into passive or aggressive behaviors. She reminds us that we are loved, and that mothers have the responsibility to raise young girls to honor themselves, and young boys to respect and revere their sisters, mothers, daughters, and wives. Just as we must save the Earth from the ravages of man, so is it time for us to stand up for our own beautiful self worth, and that of our sisters.

To compensate for her injuries, she developed strong spiritual healing abilities and clairvoyance, and became the Medicine Woman to her loving husband and a grateful tribe.
In another life time she was a Celtic priestess, herbalist and healer who lived in Ireland. She became a teacher for her people, although she too, encountered resistance from the male warrior culture that felt that they had the right to own and command women.
These many challenges taught Lemlet to develop strong diplomatic skills of teaching and healing so that she could share her wisdom with others.
Ursula Pendragon
Like most of the Celtic culture, there was little writing, so students were taught to cultivate a strong memory, and had powerful skills in song and storytelling that preserved their history.
As a girl, she was naturally competitive with her brothers. She excelled in fencing, archery, and horseback riding and was schooled by the Masters Kadmon, Kusula and Lai Tsi in her dreams. Quick in thought, and eager for recognition, she came under the tutelage of Merlin, who had come to court to train her siblings. He called her his “little eaglet,” and immediately recognized the brilliance of her mind and of her spirit.

In time, she became a great devotee of the Divine Mother and was trained on the Island of Avalon. In that era the Great Mother was known as the Goddess who taught love, connection with all of nature, and harmony, instead of domination.
The great challenge of that era was the takeover of the Earth Centered wisdom by Catholic Christianity, which was a male dominated religion. Instead of honoring the sacred essence of the Divine in everyone and everything, especially in the cycles of Nature, their version of a monotheistic god oppressed anyone who stood in their way. In time, Ursula withdrew to live among her priestess sisters in Avalon and became linked as an Oracle and Priestess to the spirit of the Lady of the Lake.

Upon hearing Christ speak, she saw and felt the Light of his presence. After the crucifixion, Prisca and her husband Aquila fled to Corinth, Greece and started a small Christian community. In the years to come she would meet Paul and become alight with the message of love and purity carried by the early Christians.
Prisca sought to spread this deeper message to other women in particular, to free them from the oppression of the patriarchal way of life.
Like Jesus, she believed in the importance of a balanced relationship between men and women, and the sacred transformation that can occur when this is achieved.
Kata Daki
Over time these women were forced to marry their captors, who lived in a male dominant, female submissive culture.
Despite their grief and hardship, the captive women learned to develop strong telepathic abilities to survive, and in time they educated the men who fell in love with them and taught them how to live in a more balanced partnership way.
Kata Daki, through the ability to show compassion, as well as strength to her captors, transformed their way of life. She is a wise protector teacher.

Senna was a deep thinker who embraced the understanding that we are Souls who come from the higher realms of Light, that the Universe is multidimensional, and that each of us has a spark of God or Sugmad within us.
Metaphysics is the bridge between science, spirituality, logic, and direct experience, and has always been open to the exploration of higher truths without prejudice, dogma or judgmental thinking. It is a call to spiritual inquiry and having a direct experience of God.
Overtime Senna herself became a philosopher and teacher, a role she still holds today, first as a member of the White Robe Order, and now as a member of the Beige Robe Order, working to teach balance in the path of Soul liberation.