Sacred Chants / Mantras

The Universal HU
The Universal HU is the Sound behind All Sounds. It is the Audible Life Stream that permeates the entire Universe. Simply by closing your eyes and chanting this simple, but profound Mantra, within about five minutes you will begin to open your Inner Ears and tune into the vibrational Sound Current behind everything.
In the Way of Truth, this is the sound that we use when starting a meeting or a Sacred Ceremony. It is the sound of the Roaring Ocean that changes at each dimensional level as one moves upward into higher spheres or planes in the process of Soul Journeying. It is the sound behind the hum of your refrigerator, the swish of a moving train, and the vibration of molecules dancing in the “space between space” all around us. Chant HU to be connected!

Amaru Kumara
AMARU KUMARA is a vibrational chant of extreme love and light. We use it to call the light of the higher planes down into this one to dispel negativity, raise frequency, and insure alignment with the Universal Good.
The term AMARU is an ancient name for the Divine Mother of Love. The word KUMARA is a reference to the Four Great Kumaras or Sons of God who periodically come to our Earth as World Saviors. Some of the incarnations of these great Solar Lords are the profound Masters Jesus or Sananda, Thoth or Sanaka, Horus, Krishna, and Rama who is Sananthana, and finally Sanat Kumara, who heads up the Council of the White Brotherhood of Illuminated Masters.

AH OM HU VAIR-AG, I O EE is a two-line chant that sounds more like celestial song. This chant is used in meditation or contemplation to connect with the Universal Field of the Akasha, and to set the mind to one side.
The seed syllables of the first one, AH OM HU VAIRG-AG have the following meanings.
The Second line is composed of I O and EE. I is the singular consciousness of us, the individual. O is the inclusive consciousness of the circle or the whole. In other words, the one in the many, us as individuals emerging from the totality of the Divine. And finally EE is a sound that awakens the Inner Sight or Inner Eye.
We use this mantra when we want to surrender or dissolve into Oneness with the Creator and the Divine Mind.

MA SA TI NO is the chant we use to dispel the negative conditioning of the mind, for ourselves or for others. While “free will” is the right of every person, many people fall under the negative oppression of illusion, delusion, and negative societal programs that keep us enthralled to the dark forces or Kal power.

Clear Path Healing Chant
This beautiful chant is the one we use to dispel fear, clear the Mind of negative engrams and programming, still the mind and align it with the Soul. The last line calls in the power of the Holy Spirit or of the Divine. Each of the four lines has a specific meaning.
SA HA LI LO, is about dissolving the engrams and layers of fear that many lives are wrapped around.
MA SA TI NO, is about dissolving the illusions of the Mind that keep us trapped in duality.
JAH SEE NAH, calms the Mind and aligns it with the Soul.
MA HA SA literally means “great” (Maha) “holy Essence of God” (Sa).
Additional Chants / Mantras

Violet Flame Chant

Remembrance Song