Lavender Robe Order
Sworn Protectors
The Order of the Lavender Robe brings together all the great paths of wisdom, discovery, and truth under one great banner. It includes not only Initiates from the Sehaji Order, but those Souls who were once members of the Knights Templar. The Templar Knights were sworn protectors of the hidden legacy and teachings of the great Master Jesus. They were monk warriors of great dedication who rose to prominence throughout Europe.
Today many members of the Lavender Robe Order are the reincarnations of those warrior monks. These are male and female Knights sworn to protect the sovereignty of the Earth, the Heart Consciousness taught by Jesus, or Issa, and dedicated to assisting the planet in making its transition into the coming Golden Age.
The Lavender Robe Order includes Initiates from the other spiritual Orders who align with this higher purpose. As protectors of the Earth and the Christ Consciousness, they are known as Heart Warriors, and trained in ancient wisdom, healing and the art of spiritual warfare. Souls fortunate enough to be invited into this Order, have received training in at least one of the other Orders, for each of these spiritual chapters are energetic pathways of service within the company of the Divine. One can be a member of the Lavender Robe Order and still serve in the other Wisdom Orders.

Jesus, Mary & Mary Magdalene
Because the Lavender Order is dedicated to the teachings of the Heart, it is closely aligned with the great teachers Jesus, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is the unacknowledged aspect of the female Christ who is reemerging in our world today, after having been denigrated by the Catholic Church for over thirteen centuries. In 1979 they publicly proclaimed that Mary
Magdalene was not a prostitute and that they had been mistaken, but of course great damage was done to women and men, and even the balance of society in the millennia of time that this myth was perpetuated. This kind of negative slander is one of many propaganda campaigns put forth by the Church to marginalize the Divine Feminine.
Today, some of these lies are coming forth into the light of day, and as the Divine Feminine aspect rises in our world, we, as a society, have a chance to come back into balance. This is not only true at a personal level, where women are allowed to break out of the archetypes of Virgin, Whore, or Sinner, allowing them to reclaim their place as valuable human beings, but also at a societal level.
Women, like men, have great variety in their expressions on the Earth. Like their male counterparts, they are thinkers, writers, poets, painters, doctors, lawyers, philosophers, athletes, shamans, business people, healers, teachers and bringers of wisdom, as well as mothers, sisters, daughters and wives.
The Lavender Robe Order, understanding this balance between the male and female Christ, and the merger of the Divine Feminine and Masculine, is a protector of this deeper legacy, which ultimately leads us to Inner Mastery. They bring together Initiates of every Order who would stand for and protect the spiritual truths that allow us to create a world of more unity and love.
Some Knight Templar History
So, let’s share a bit of history about the Knights Templar. They were a spiritual Order of Knights that flourished in Europe and the Holy Lands from 1188 until 1308 when their ranks were hugely decimated by the French King Philip IV.
Philip had borrowed enormous sums of money from the Templars that he was not able to pay back. Because he knew that the Templars were wealthy, his plan was to murder the Knights and seize their gold, thus making himself the richest monarch in Europe.
While Philip did manage to covertly arrange for the simultaneous arrest of many Templars living in France on a day known as Friday the 13th, he never managed to get their gold.
Philip arrested, imprisoned and murdered 600 of the 3000 Templar Knights living in France at the time, but the rest escaped. This means that some 2400 knights left the country, taking with them their valued treasure.

Understanding Revisionist History
In modern times the mysteries of the Knights Templar and what they taught has been rising. As the awareness of their plight returns in the exploration of television documentaries, there is still much controversy about their spiritual practices.
Revisionist history, generated by King Philip to justify his self-serving actions, would have us believe that they were heretics and devil worshippers, yet nothing could be further from the truth.
What we know about this Order is that they were deeply dedicated to the teachings of the great Master Jesus, to protecting the Holy Lands for travelers going to Jerusalem, and to honoring Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine current of love.

The higher Initiates of the Knights Templars were also students of subjects banned by the Church.
This included the very important knowledge of sacred geometry, mathematics, and hermetic symbolism taught by the Pythagorean schools and the Mystery Schools of ancient Greece and Egypt.
Today, as we uncover their churches and spiritual centers, researchers have plotted this sacred geometry in the landscapes, revealing this higher knowledge.
We also know that the Templars symbol was the red cross on a white background. This is an emblem that still exists today in the organization of the Red Cross.