The Clergy
Serve In Many Capacities
The Clergy is an aspect of The Way of Truth that serves in many capacities, including World Healing Chants, individual Healing Circles, and creating events that are focused on being in Service to the World.
CLERGY MEMBERSHIP is highly recommended because Clergy Members are often active in Healing Sessions, World Chants, and other powerful activities that bring more Light into our World to help balance the Planet. You may request to join the clergy if you are an 2nd initiate or above.
Clergy Members not only learn how to hold space to create Sacred Ceremonies for others, like Weddings, Christenings, and Funerals, but also become trained in helping individuals with personal problems including various forms of healing work. They have the chance to undergo training in a variety of modalities including Spiritual Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healing, Emotional Release work, and the honoring of individual Life Passage events.

As Souls who have one foot in the physical world, and another foot in the spiritual realms, they act as intermediaries between the worlds. This service can happen at both a personal and a global level for the healing of both individuals and the planet.
Many of the Members of The Way of Truth choose to become Members of the Clergy because they are drawn to higher service, and they want to continue to grow and learn. Any Initiate who has reached the second level of Initiation can ask to join us.

Assisting Those Around Them
The Clergy within the Way of Truth is a Circle of Initiates dedicated to assisting those around them as ambassadors of healing, blessings, life transitions and sacred ceremony to bring more Light and Love into an individual’s life so that each Soul will have a better chance of succeeding in the next chapter of their life.
This is a branch of absolute service with individuals who are trained to offer help in counseling and healing the body, mind and spirit of those in need. They are trained to let Spirit act, assisting the Divine in transmuting and transforming difficult situations.
The Clergy work with Angels, Saints, and Spiritual Masters that can also help to assist in the resolution of emotional and spiritual problems. They focus on Heart to Heart communication, an energetic transmission that is 5000 times more powerful than the mind alone, activating the healing energies of Spirit to help ease people’s sorrow, assist in life transitions and celebrate life passages.
Spiritual Training & Sacred Ceremonies
- Ceremonies of Baptism, Cleansing or Consecration.
- Ceremonies that Celebrate Marriage, Union or Sacred Partnerships, including businesses and romances.
- Ceremonies that Release Karmic Ties between people, often used in a divorce or at the end of a partnership.
- Ceremonies that Release a Ghost, calling on Angels of Transition to send that spirit back into the Light.
- Ceremonies to Bless a New House, home, business or dwelling place.
- Ceremonies to Energetically Clear a Public Space that is meant to consecrate an event.
- Ceremonies to Remove Stuck Psychic Energy Residue from a home or business.
- Ceremonies of Last Rites that assist in the Transition of the Soul from the physical world into the Higher Planes at the time of death.
- Ceremonies for Auric Cleansing, Chakra Cleansing, Grounding and Emotional Balancing.
- Ceremonies of Forgiveness and Letting Go.
- Hands on Healing based on the All Encompassing field of the Heart.
- The Clergy knows how to do healing without taking on a person’s karma.
Creating A Safe & Sacred Space To Be
As Counselors these Priests and Priestesses are trained to listen, and not to judge. They know how to create a safe emotional container, and to hold a positive, yet neutral space of balance, service and divine love.
They understand how the dualistic mind is programmed to generate negative thoughts, emotions and reactions that then create or exacerbate dramas, throwing one’s life out of balance. And they are trained to help individuals ground, release and then recenter themselves in the eternal flow of God or Sugmad.
At their core these men and women are dedicated to helping bring more clarity, love, balance and peace to the tumultuous situations that life often serves up, and acting as agents of blessing in the world.